

外围投注 is committed to safeguarding both restricted and private data for every PUC constituent. Strong data protection builds trust with our multiple constituents (students, 员工, 学生家长/亲属, 潜在的学生, 以前的学生, 校友, 捐助者, 以及金融赞助商). We strive to ensure that each PUC employee who has access to restricted and private data is trained on how to handle and protect it. PUC does not share our constituent’s data with third party marketing commercial companies or those that have no business relationship with PUC.


PUC需要收集和保留某些类型的数据, 各种格式, 关于相关个人(如学生), 员工, 学生家长/亲属, 潜在的学生, 以前的学生, 捐助者, 以及金融赞助商) to fulfil the functions of an education provider. This policy outlines the purposes for which the information is collected and the college’s practices in processing this data.


PUC may collect a wide variety of information about a student, 比如名字, 地址, 详细外围投注, 年龄, 性别, 种族或民族出身, 宗教信仰, 照片, 学术的细节, 有关家庭的资料, 生活方式和社会环境, 教育培训详情, 就业细节, 财务细节, 身体或精神健康信息, 或者其他被认为与学校相关的信息.


PUC may use a student's information for a variety of legitimate educational interests, 包括以下内容:

  • 保存学生档案
  • 保存雇佣记录
  • 维护财务记录
  • 监督学生学业进展
  • 进行机构评估和研究
  • Providing advice and support to students and 员工 through various campus services, 比如金融服务, 卫生服务, 学术顾问, 学术支持, 咨询, 和其他人
  • 管理学院宿舍和物业
  • Conducting institutional co-curricular activities in support of the academic mission of the college
  • 维护和出版机构目录
  • 为不同的机构准备报告, 包括认证和政府机构, 按照有关规定办理


PUC allows various school officials and organizations to access and process your personal information if they have a legitimate educational interest. Your information is only used when it is necessary to conduct tasks in relation to services or benefits you have requested from the college or to conduct the practical day-to-day administration of the college. This list represents the types of school officials who may have access to your data:

  • 雇用的人 the college as an administrator, 教师, or staff member
  • A student employed by the college to assist an administrator, 教师, or staff member in fulfillment of his/her professional duties
  • 雇用的人, 或者根据合同, 学院要执行一项特殊任务, 比如律师或审计员
  • A person or organization acting as an official 年龄nt of the college and performing a business function or service on behalf of the college
  • A member of a college committee (may include student members)
  • 大学董事会成员:在大学董事会任职的人
  • Relevant government and accreditation 年龄ncies to whom the college has a statutory obligation to release information
  • Relevant individuals and authorities in the case of an immediate health or safety emergency
  • Students only: Officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll
  • 仅限学生:学生的家长, if the student is a dependent as defined by the IRS code (provided that proper documentation is on file at the college to establish dependency) or if the student has signed a release form to authorize disclosure of information to parents

所有处理, 存储, and disclosure of data is handled in accordance with the Family 教育al Rights Privacy Act (“FERPA”) for student record data, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) for health data, 以及任何其他适用的隐私法.


Students have the right to inspect and review their education records. Students may seek amendment if they believe their education records are inaccurate, 误导, 或者以其他方式侵犯他们的隐私权. 教育 records will not be disclosed without the student’s consent, except under the authorized disclosures specified in the Family 教育al Rights and Privacy Act. If a student believes that their privacy rights have been violated, they have a right to file a complaint of non-compliance with the Family Policy Compliance Office of the U.S. 教育部.


A student has the right to inspect and review their education records within 45 days of their request. PUC will provide a response to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of the record. If a student is unable to inspect their education records, PUC shall make other arrangements for the student to inspect, 包括制作教育记录的副本. PUC will not charge a fee to search for or retrieve a student’s education records, 但可能会收取复制记录的费用.


A student may ask PUC to amend their education record if he or she believes the records contain inaccurate information, 误导性信息, 或者侵犯了他们的隐私权.  PUC will either: 1) amend the record within a reasonable amount of time, or 2) notify the student of its decision not to change the record and inform the student of their right to a hearing to challenge that decision.  


Various departmental offices (such as the Advancement Office and the Marketing & 沟通 Office) may use your details to send you news and information about academic and 校友 activities. Departments may also offer opportunities for you to be involved with the college and support its work. You can tailor your marketing communications preferences or opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by contacting 外围投注 at pr@www-534322.com 或者打电话 (707) 965-6303 按照你的要求.


We use the following third-party services which handle data in their own ways and have their own privacy 政策.

服务 目的 隐私政策
Bloomerang Advancement tool used for online community and online gifts. bloomerang.co
谷歌分析 更好地了解我们的用户和受众. 访客信息包括, 但不限于:设备, OS, 基于IP的相对位置, 页面查看, 页面上的时间. 政策.谷歌.com
频谱电磁脉冲 Enrollment Marketing Platform for prospective students. liaisonedu.com
脸谱网的像素 社交媒体平台 脸谱网.com/privacy/policy
募捐了 在线捐赠平台 fundraiseup.com/privacy